The Fantasy Faire, organized by Dreamweaver, was held on April 2-3, 2004. It featured
a wide variety of imaginative creations, in various locations across There. The following are just a
few of the sights enjoyed by fairgoers.
(click on any picture to enlarge it)
Dreamweaver's tent
Inside Dreamweaver's tent
A herd of the new stallions
Hawk riding one of the stallions
Jinx_tv's Fantasy Palace
Inside Jinx_tv's Fantasy Palace
Artwork by Sybil
Artwork by Exurius
Freia and Hawk at Murphy's Pub
Murphy's Pub
Gondor Funzone - if you know who created the works on this and the
next Gondor picture, please contact Hawk in world
Gondor Funzone - Please contact Hawk if you know who created these works
This page last modified Wednesday Dec 31, 1969 at 7:00pm EST